Jack Ellery Turkey Recipe

The Famous Jack Ellery Turkey Recipe: Many years ago, Jack bumped into Mrs. Abe Mardyk. She owned a turkey farm. She sold Jack a twenty pounder, and gave him a recipe. That recipe has been used coast-to-coast, and people go crazy asking for it. It is a way to cook a turkey in a short period of time.

So, here it is. This is for a 15-20 pound turkey. The turkey should be thawed in the refrigerator only. It takes 4-5 days to thaw a frozen turkey. You risk serious illness if you thaw on a countertop. We'll explain adjustments for bigger or smaller birds later. You also should never stuff a turkey. The heat can't get to all parts of the bird.

You must follow ALL directions.
  • Take bird out of refrig and leave on counter for an hour. That way, both inside and outside of bird are at same temperature
  • Pre heat oven to 450 degrees. VERY IMPORTANT: Test oven with thermometer.
  • Place 16 oz water in pan.
  • Garnish completely thawed turkey, unstuffed, any way you like.
  • Place in pan and tent with aluminum foil.
  • Cook for an hour and one half.
  • Do not open oven door to check on bird. It's not going anywhere.
  • After the first hour and a half, open oven and carefully remove foil. Be careful of steam!!!
  • Lower temp to 400 degrees.
  • Bird is now untented.
  • Cook for another hour.
  • remove promptly. Birds continue to cook if left in oven even with heat off.

This bird is done. Now, for every pound over 20 pounds, add 4 minutes at the end. So, if the bird weighs 23 pounds you would add 12 minutes cooking time at the end. If the bird weighs LESS than 15 pounds, subtract 4 minutes for every pound under 15, at the end. This recipe will work, but you must do everything suggested.

By the way, there is an urban myth that eating turkey causes one to be sleepy. It is partially true. Overeating at the Holiday meal is the real culprit. Turkey contains an amino acid that CAN lead to being drowsy, but only if taken on an empty stomach. Also, turkey contains protein which is GOOD for you. The fats are the bad guys. ONE MORE THING. Those little pop up devices put in turkeys, actually work pretty well. A thermometer into thigh should read 165 degrees