Jack Ellery Promotions

Jack Ellery

Audience Builders

Marines at WCTC
Marines aid WCTC 2009 Hope for Holidays Drive. Pictured are East Brunswick Mayor David Stahl (many of the recipients were from his Township)with two of Marine Corps finest and WCTC morning host, Jack Ellery (r)
This gutsy Rutgers student wheel-chaired across America, but had no money. Day after day radio talk show host, Jack Ellery, made arrangements for food, security and lodgings, and his audience paid every dime of it...and loved it.

Three trailer tractors with clothing and food bound for Florida were donated by the audience after hurricane Andrew hit..that's a million bucks of supplies. Radio Talk Show Host, Jack Ellery, showed what an audience will do.

Off to jail
jailOff to the slammer till the audience donated dinero for charity. In this case, Jack's audience contributed 30K to the Heart Fund
From the Halls of Montezuma......

MaranoThe Marines honor Jack's audience for years of help. Audiences love to be involved.

armyClick for full storyJack and the Troops.Jack interviews Army Sgt. Robert Stephenson (far left) as part of his latest effort. Jack's audience donated phone cards to Iraq bound troops and Jack brought 50 or so of his audience to the station and fed them Army chow. Jack supported the troops, not necessarily the mission. busWCTC's greatest promotion. Jack's audience purchased a school bus for Indian youngsters, by contributing 18 million trading stamps, then gave a college scholarship to the Indian school on the Rosebud Reservation in SD
Jack presents $25,000 to the Sri Lanka Medical Association officers. Their organization was among the first to provide Tsunami relief